Monday, October 1, 2012

Ice Cubes for Beauty Therapy

Benefits ice cubes for beauty - Having beautiful skin is smooth fresh every woman's desires. How to have beautiful skin and crisp it ..? surely you are looking for or using a wide range of cosmetics. Take it easy this time I will give simple tips on the rocks, but the beauty is guaranteed to have an amazing effect.
Benefits of Ice Cubes

You must all know ES Stone, Ice Cube was not only refreshing thirst for it. There are other huge benefits for skin beauty. is by using ice cubes therapy has also been very popular in the world of beauty makeup. Well here I will give tips or ice advantage for your skin beauty.

Here are some of the benefits of ice cubes for facial beauty:

1. Soothing Skin Acne
Acne skin certainly reduce the charm of your facial beauty, then you should never squeeze pimples that are inflamed. Emerging acne does feel a little itchy and sore. To neutralize it, and apply ice cubes pimple right on point. Ice cubes also serves to eliminate red pimples once deflates.

2. Can Shrink Pores
Ice cubes can also minimize facial pores are large. Wrap ice cubes in cotton suluruh then rub it into the face. In addition to tighten pores, ice cubes are also useful to keep the production of sebum (oil glands) in normal conditions.

3. Rubbery face Before Make-up
Before the make-up, you should wipe the whole ice surface skin. In addition to refreshing, skin will be more supple thanks to an ice cube. Supple skin can make the make-up applied to perfection.

4. Smoothing and toning Breast
Make the milk that has been frozen into ice cubes. Pijatkanlah breast milk with ice cubes. Do it slowly, because the breasts are very sensitive. This treatment is beneficial to smooth and tighten the breast.

Well here benefit Ice cubes made beauty, hopefully with simple tips about the benefits of a new ice can add beauty and confidence in yourself.

Friday, September 28, 2012

How to care for your teeth

How to care for your teeth properly, before experiencing a toothache feels sure many underestimate and never pay attention to dental care, whether perhaps it is also due to not knowing how to properly care for teeth brushing or being lazy.

How to Dental Care

Teeth have an important role for the digestive tract to the body, but it also gives teeth an important role in our appearance, so Dental health care is the main and important, it is actually very easy in dental care tips just takes perseverance.

Here's how to care for your teeth in everyday life:

  1. Regularly brushing teeth : Brushing teeth regularly ie 2-3 times a day is the main requirement in Dental hygiene, Do not let excess brushing teeth per day ie 5 to 7 times a day, it is not recommended because it can cause damage to tooth enamel
  2. Clean Teeth with Dental Floss : After eating sometimes leftovers still in the teeth for it to use Dental Floss or threads to clean the rest of the meal was
  3. Using Mouthwash : How to care for your teeth using mouthwash after brushing can reduce the appearance of plaques, it is recommended to use a mouthwash that contains fluoride exist, because it can prevent cavities.
  4. Eat less sweet foods : Sweet foods are favored by bacteria in the teeth, to mensiasatinya if after your meal with a sweet tooth gargle with water, to reduce the leftovers that.
  5. Avoid foods that are hot or cold : Instead eat food mediocre, not too hot and too cold for hot or cold foods it can result in reduced sensitivity and can also make teeth cracked.
  6. Replace your toothbrush every 3 months : Bacteria in the mouth is very much up to 10 jt and transferred to brush your teeth, bacteria resistance there is also a long time so as to avoid many of these bacteria are advised to replace the brush over an interval of 3 months
  7. Dental examination to 6 months once : Make checks to Dental Dentist to determine problems or diseases of the teeth to reduce dental decay
That means taking care to keep your teeth healthy and avoid diseases name caused from germs in the mouth. Hopefully the above tips useful dental care for all buddy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Benefits of papaya for beauty

Benefits of papaya for beauty are so many benefits of papaya fruit, fruit that many of us have encountered in this country there are many benefits, but there are still very few people who care about the wealth benefits of this fruit.

Benefits of papaya fruit used to treat the skin, in the dry season like this one, certainly would have reduced moisture to the skin so it's definitely a lot of skin exfoliation. And in this case need skin care to note.

Benefits of Papaya

And do not think that skin care should be expensive, as we capitalize on the many papaya fruit we encountered and of course the price is also cheap fruit. Skin care with papaya fruit is naturally. Papaya fruit, has a content of various minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients needed by the body.

Choosing cooked or raw papaya can be enabled for skin care. For papaya fruit is ripe, it is good to exfoliate the skin and makes the skin more radiant and suitable for all skin types.

And you can create a recipe for papaya skin care itself, because it is not difficult to make it, You can make the recipe papaya benefits for skin at home, good for skin rejuvenation and for glowing skin as reported from, Tuesday (02/7 ).

Tips on using papaya treatment of zone I:

Papaya Recipes for skin rejuvenation
Provide first stride

    1/2 cup of ripe papaya and crushed,
    1/4 cup coconut milk,
    1/4 cup powdered oats.

material was mixed evenly, then wipe the face and neck gently and let stand for 5 minutes. After that, wash with milk, followed by water. Note, your skin will be more glowing.

Recipe Papaya make skin glow

    1/2 cup mashed ripe papaya that is,
    4 teaspoons lemon juice,
    4 teaspoon of carrot juice,
    1 teaspoon of honey.

Mix all ingredients and apply to face diarea neck with a massage. And behold, after rinsing your face will look more radiant than ever.

Congratulations practice, and seemed to feel the new face of the benefits of papaya for beauty!

Monday, September 24, 2012

How to fatten the body with a healthy

How to fatten the body easily, although most people want to deal with loss because obesity is too excessive, on the one hand, there are certainly some people who want the body for too long skinny fat. because if not it would be cool too skinny.

How to fatten the body with a healthy

It has a very thin body is usually seen as less attractive, but it's thin body is also dangerous because of lack of nutrition and nutrition. Maybe some people could easily gain weight, but also a lot of really difficult for some people to gain weight even though in many ways.

Do not justify a variety of ways to gain weight and have due regard to health itself, and tips on how to fatten the following entities should apply if you want to fatten the body in a healthy way:Steps for How to fatten Agency

1. Increase the intake of more caloriesIf your body is too skinny? Estimates should you need an extra 500 calories per day, so that the weight can be increased by about half a kilogram a week.

2. Choosing the right foods to eatDo not just eat / ate all the food without knowing nutrients. Eat healthy foods with calorie balance. For example, with low-fat milk, ikan2an, red meat, eggs, brown rice, vegetables & fruits. Reduce consume deep-fried cooking food / fast food due to the buildup of fat and cholesterol menyeebabkan that harmful for health.

3. Increase your protein intake overIncreasing levels of protein intake, since protein function to form a new otot2. Examples of foods with high protein content such kacang2ngan, fish & meat. But lest you forget the carbs and fats. In small amounts, these two nutrients can make the body more healthy fat. Choose healthy fats commonly found in whole grains, olive oil / salmon. For carbs, eat a complex, such as brown rice, baked potatoes or wheat.

4. Healthy Snack Food ConsumptionGenerally eat 3 meals a day, well when I'm applying feedlot program is recommended to eat 5 times a day if you want to gain weight: 3 servings of main meals and two snacks servings. Choose healthy snacks and high-calorie nutrition, not junk food. Such as cheese, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruit, dark chocolate and yogurt.

5. Drink plenty of fluidsAlso affect the amount of liquid in the process of fattening the body. But do not frequent a lot of energy drink consumption because it usually contains a lot of salt and sugar. More good drinking water, milk or fruit juices Seger.

6. Exercising RegularlyLet the nutrients that we consume does not become excessive fat, burn
and form it into muscle mass. Therefore, you must exercise regularly. Do it on a regular basis, such as four times a week and ask the fitness instructor, what exercise is right for you.

7. ConsistentSame with other programs such systems deal with loss, how to fatten the body also in need of a consistency, so not directly, it takes time to achieve all that.That tips the way to fatten the body good luck and success.

Friday, September 21, 2012

How to get rid of blackheads naturally

How to get rid of blackheads naturally - There are so many problems in the face, in addition to acne there are more problems to be aware of the issue of blackheads. Many factors led to such causes blackheads blackheads due to hereditary factors, bacterial factors, dietary factors were not controlled and could also be due to thd influence of hormones.

How to get rid of blackheads naturally

Would you like certainly no facial blackheads you live it, and of course wanted to get lost if you hit blackheads, especially after you go to a party or a specific event, or a well fitting sepesial want to see someone that you definitely want to look perfect. Well do not despair because of the comedo, below are how to remove blackheads quickly, quoted from wolipop.How to Eliminate Blackheads, Blackheads By Step How To Eliminate Fast from Health Blog and Solutions

Clean your face 2 to 3 times a day
Clean your face regularly ie 2-3 times in one day play an important role in preventing blackheads. For a variety of dust or powder will not stick to face and actions cause blackheads. For the face that there could be a cleaning blackheads for good results.
Using a facial scrub Facial scrubs can slough off dead skin and bring out or replace with new skin cells. Since these dead skin cells can worsen blackheads if not promptly removed. The most commonly affected areas of the face are blackheads forehead, nose and chin so this section needs to be in the facial scrub.
Using Warm Towels towel then soak a towel in hot water and then put it on the face are affected by blackheads. Hot water bath towels may help relieve the pain while exfoliating blackheads. In addition, hot towel also prevents the occurrence of infections caused by such removal.
Acne removal cream on the skin of blackheads In choosing this cream choose a cream containing benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide has the function to remove bacteria, absorb oil on the face, very quickly remove blackheads and also in how to get rid of acne.
Should go to the salon to do facial Go to a salon and consult the expert on facial treatments may be helpful in eliminating blackheads gently and softly, so not too much risk for the infection of the face.That's 5 steps to try to How to Remove Blackheads and has been proven to quickly eradicate blackheads in the face. Please try, good luck.