Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to eliminate body odor easily

How to eliminate body odor easily smell body odor is definitely very disturbing every person, especially in an age of globalization that requires every individual to work hard. This will inevitably lead to sweat more, which certainly makes the body odor, sweat your body can indeed be eliminated by using a deodorant and it was just a fleeting moment, and we have to use it again and again it will increase the number of our daily needs, in our daily relationships day course, we will try my best in appearance, body odor and one of them, a lot of reasons that make the body sweat odor, we must learn that our bodies do not sweat smell.

How to eliminate body odor easily

How to eliminate body odor easily, Hereditary factors underlying causes of the most prominent body odor. Cause of body odor can also be from being overweight, mental development, body hygiene, hormonal factors or periods of puberty, smoking, drugs, booze and maybe there are still some things that cause the appearance of body odor. Unhealthy lifestyle is the cause that we must eliminate that odor we become odorless. We can menyemprokan deodorant or fragrances, but in fact it can only last a moment. Sometimes the overuse and also mixing with the sweat deodorant instead will cause body odor that stung. Therefore, we should be able to choose a solution tips on how to eliminate body odor appropriate to address this sati.

How to Eliminate Body Odor

Now we know what factors can cause body odor, there should we begin to pay attention and avoid the situation. Here to make a stand to share knowledge untu solve this problem. There are several ways to address this body bai.

  1. Food :
    We recommend that you start now you should pay more attention mkan pattern, and we also need to be more observant to pick the food we eat. Avoid consumption of food-spicy foods, reduce eating red meat because this right can menimbulkkan effect body odor. From now on you sebainya eating more high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables because they have a little choline content and dap `t menghilagkan body odor. Expand drink water at least up to 2 liters a day for good health other than water can also turn out to remove body odor through sweat.
  2. Bath :
    How to eliminate body odor with membiasakanlah bath 3 times a day after you move a lot of sweat it can reduce body odor problem. And usahakn every bath you use soap that contains anti-bacterial and are not much of the fragrances and perfumes. Seek his shower to wash the whole body using a towel and, try not to leave points on the body of water. Fibrous should use clothing and can absorb sweat.
  3. Using deodorant :
    After bathing make it a habit to use a deodorant that contains antiperspirant underarm area. Because the content contained therein can absorb perspiration and prevent body odor.
  4. Shave her armpits :
    With menukur our armpits regularly can help mencegahakumulasi bacteria and can reduce sweating and body odor baerlebih.
  5. Lemon :
    Apply lemon fruit on our body so that it becomes a fragrant aroma and smells into our pores. Gosokanlah the armpits, body folds, and, also on our feet this can reduce excessive sweating.

That tips on how to eliminate body odor in a way that is easy and done on a regular basis, so that a bad body odor and stay away from things that can cause body odor.

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