Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Whiten the Skin Naturally

How to whiten the skin, face and entire body in a natural way and is very fast, has a flushed white is the desire of all women. Then how easy to get it all. Skin color is determined by pigment, if the original skin pigment is dark or black for example, such as the African (black indigenous descent), the main road to be white is to use drugs or plastic surgery.

How to Whiten Skin

But that is definitely not the way you want to whiten your skin the way it is, but how to get your skin looking clean, fresh and natural white. Keep in mind the skin pigment eumelanin pigment Indonesia is the pigment that causes the skin to brown to black and the pigment carotene which causes the yellow color. To the west such as Europe and the United States considers Indonesia's skin look beautiful and sexy, they also want the color of our skin like a lot of basking in the sun.

How to Whiten the Skin

Now, back to the main topic of How to whiten skin and body in order to get the skin a fresh, natural pink and white, can be a way of life patterns and using natural materials, here are some ways to make a blog like that should be applied so that we have a skin what we want. Health and Solutions :

How to Whiten Skin

- The first step to apply to healthy eating is to eat according to the 4 healthy 5 perfect, multiply the vegetables and fruits such as eating at least one apple.

- Get used to drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day to keep skin always looks fresh. And can simply rest and sleep do not often stay up late into the night.

- Using Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30 over was traveling out to protect the skin from direct sun. Keep in mind the harmful rays of the sun between the hours of 10 to 2 pm it can cause skin to become dry and dull.

- Frequently clean face every day, such as washing the face, it could use a good facial cleanser that fits like Ponds that looked the picture.

- Conduct at least once a week, that is to scrub and mask for the face and body scrubs for the skin. Useful to remove dead skin cells, preferably using a natural scrub scrub eg sugar and olive oil or honey. And the use of masks mask fruits like yam masks, masks and other kentimun.

I hope the above methods can help those of you who want a white glow in a natural way, good luck with how to whiten skin naturally good luck and success.

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